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What "Yoga" means to me

At some point during my studies in Yoga, Chinese Medicine, Hawaiian Healing and Ayurveda a teacher once shared with me, “Until you can see Love in all things, until you can Love all people, you’re not ready to practice this medicine.” I remember being floored, my gut turned inside out (at the time, not good for my IBS, which I’m happy to share is completely healed now thanks to Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine), my dreams dashed for a second, but my heart was racing and the internal me was shouting “Yes, Yes, Yes!”

This was a moment in time when I realized I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

Of all the modalities and medicines I've studied, I consider them all a form and practice of Yoga. Yoga, in the more general sense of “unification of the present,” is a path to seeing, feeling, hearing, observing and being connected to all things. In order to experience this state of Yoga, one must HEAL FROM WITHIN all those obvious and silent wounds that keep us feeling less than enough.

In an attempt to bring more clarity to what this means for me in a practical sense, I want to share what Yoga is to me.

Yoga is…

Uniting the body, mind, emotions and spirit with the breath of all life.

A breath of life that eventually shows its identity of all things to be LOVE.

Feeling the breath of life breath you.

Where challenges become opportunities to grow and expand our boundaries and deepen our relationship and understanding of God, of Love.

Hearing the sound of your own heart’s song in the stillness of your mind, and then living in accordance with your authentic heart song, without inhibition.

Choosing Love first.


Seeing Transformation as a Way of Life.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of ALL life, including your self and choosing to live in HARMONY, in BALANCE, and with RESPECT for all things.

LOVING yourself, recognizing that before you can truly Love another, you must first begin to Love yourself.

The art of remembering, returning to your own Heart Light and refusing to let others tell you otherwise.

Yoga is YOU...You were born from yoga, born into yoga, and will die in yoga.

Yoga is your, his, her, my true nature.

The stillness of the mind simply reminds us of our true nature and our true nature is experienced in Yoga.

Originally published October 22, 2012 in Breathe. Connect. Be. (my previous blog site)

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